January 03, 2011

Ibsen's "An Enemy Of The People" - a review

This is a story of a man who loves his city and cares for it, and tries to save it from possible calamities; but his actions are not supported by the political powers of his locality.
            Dr. Stockmann discovers a flaw in the city's drainage system, and proposes possible solutions. Although his discovery is appreciated by the civilians at first, his brother, who is also the mayor, asks him to take his word back. Stockmann denies, and hence his brother convinces other powerful people to go against Stockmann.
            Stockmann - patriotic as he was - decided to stand strong, and make the citizens believe him and support him. In the process of doing so, he speaks ill of the political and influential people of the city. This enrages the ordinary people greatly, and they try to kill Stockmann.
            On the other hand, the mayor and others spread rumors that Stockmann is only running after money, and that his discovery was false and insignificant. Denying all these false accusations, Stockmann stands tall on his opinion. He is supported by his family, and he realizes that the man who stands alone is the strongest.
            I really liked the concept of this story, and it was not much difficult to relate this to pragmatic situations. And here I present an opinion of mine.
            Often in the history of the world, we encounter honest, hard-working and patriotic people : national leaders, political figures, sophists & intellectuals, revolutionaries and the like. But the sad part is, we never make good use of these people, we never let them lead the way, and we always do find an issue to eliminate them or to banish them from the society.
            A similar thing happened with Dr. Stockmann. Although he was not banished or eliminated, his life was claimed once, for he was bold enough to talk about the flaws of the society. Although he was a patriot, the society made it a point to make him appear as "An Enemy Of The People".

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